Saturday 27 April 2013

You Can Have Happy Future: Health Wealth and Happyness, yesterday, Today to the third generations....

A warm embrace from someone you love. Hearty laughterduring a good meal with dear friends. The pleasure of watching your children cheerfully at play. Moments like these are bright spots i life.
Many however, life seem to represent one serious problem after the other. If that has been your experience, take heart.

It is Gods will that you enjoy lasting happiness under the best conditions in a wonderful surroundings. This is no mere dream, for God actually offers you the key to such a happy future. That KEY is knowledge.

We are talking about a special kind of knowledge  that is far greater than human wisdom. It is the very knowledge of God . ( Proverbs 2:5)

God has made us with his likelyness and gave us greater wisdom and intelligence to acquire skills to master means of survival to acquire this happy life. Look at the National Geography how every species hunt for food to survive, to be healthy rich and happy. Humans like wise must work to get those very little shiny ornaments that makes us appreciate life. Thier source is income.

Think Rich to Get Rich. Mastering the game of Wealth cannot just come. You must first undertand the risk and throw your beyond the risks identified. There is no risk in life until you take that risk is when you start realising that fear is the fools weapon to avoid taking a chance. You don't know where your luck will come from. Your luck is hidden benneath these risks you fear taking them. wake up and take the risk.... (i will be back.)

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