Sunday 28 April 2013

A dream are your wishful goals - work on it, peruse it,nurtur it

Dreams and wishes are not superstitious but a yearning internal feeling to to achieve positive progress in once own life and career pathway. See it, feel it, touch it, it's all yours because you have conceived it physically and you believe you will give birth to a dynamic dream come true. Whatever the dream is, your body functional metabolism thirst for this very goal. If you don't achieve this you know deep in your heart that you will go bronchus because this is the only last opportunity to succeed in your your remaining years to creating your own dynasty. Have ever thought how those big businesses came about.?
Look at this dream goals: the ultimate fighting championship - getting beaten to earn your money
- a boxer, taking all that risky decisions, you know for a fact that you won't beat every body but the passion of your dream to be on world television cannot be overshadowed by the risks
- footballer, running behind that bouncing object, getting rough tackles getting ankles injuries are all risks that comes with the package of your dream come true.
If you want to be preach, get out of that comfort zone and face the odds, you will come out with new tick, ways and means how best to do it in your own ways. That mark the ownership of being a pioneer.
I think this motivated you to stand up and walk your dream and achieve your vision.
Don't stop now until you see it through. Goodbye. Md.

1 comment:

  1. PROFOUND DADA, its like drinking from a well of fresh, pure waters, thanks a million, highly motivated.
