Tuesday 2 September 2014


Hello Everyone.


Cars have become a bit smarter now lately. A good car is the one that does not release BLOW OUT  the fuel from its tail.

I have recently come across the most efficient product that has been for years used by large corporations only. Heavy vehicles that works on the mines, road constructions and heavy transportations have been using XFT - Xtreme Fuel Treatment Special Secrete Product for more than 20years to:
- It works substantially improve and Increase your Fuel Economy
- Prolongs Engine life
- Enhance Horspower and Performance
- Reduce Emissions up to 33% 

Syntek Global decided to make it available to the public. Not available at local stores but only through Syntek Distributors  website: http://www.xtratank.mysyntek.com.
Very much secured and safe site; can watch the DEMO video. You can also shop or Enrol on the same website safely. The product is delivered to your door in three - to five days from date of purchase.

Check this!
Everyone buys fuel or travels in one way or the other to enjoy privacy and comfort in own car at own time.
During economic HARD TIMES People do cut costs on many things BUT ..
                                                    NOT FUEL !
This product is guaranteed to save you money - buy a small pack trial to test its performances as stated
Pass it on and don't keep it to your self only. Someone may be interested.

BECOME A BUSINESS PARTNER TODAY - share with others, family and friends. don't forget to let your neighbor know about this wonder product too.
You can save and make money if you want to be a Distributor.
To have your Syntek Global website - register using the website above.
Everyone is welcome. tAkE only 7minutes to watch the video and complete the form if satisfied or wish to test it.
Your opportunity to save and ....

Thursday 31 July 2014

Legacy Wallet :: Banners Broker

Legacy Wallet :: Banners Broker

The way my legacy wallet has become highly expectant,  the baby's heart beat is so loud and rhythmic and normal- declared the specialist consultant at BBV3 last Friday follow up checks. The specialist has reassured the conceived mother, spouses and their relatives that the future of the baby is bright.

I am ready to order the WeW. Court-Bed which is the best quality recommended by the pioneers of the Legacy Wallet of BBv2.9, Canada.

This wet my appetite and the aroma of food cooked in the Legacy Wallet kitchen is highly on demand and people world wide are queuing to get served however, the chef and his assistant has recommended that each customer brings their own WeW approved plates because the food they prepare requires plates made of specific material and design which are compatible to the ingredients of Legacy Wallet kitchen.

I am confident that whoever eat the meal from The Legacy Wallet kitchen shall never be hungry again. That is all I can say today.

Wednesday 30 July 2014

The Living and the Dead are equal.

The wealth God has created amasses for all. Life is short yet nothing shall a man take with when one dies. Everything remains on the earth surface - the grave yard is fair and democratic because all are equal. No bureaucracy - there is justice. The dead know nothing any-more however the living are worried that they going to die next...

Tuesday 29 July 2014

The consumer society:

I have been away for a bit. Life can be challenging at times. However, we have been created with highly developed brain structure to enable our selves to make use of our ecosystem balance to our day to day life changes and needs to balance the odds.
Look at our habitation. cosy apartments and homes in different styles of built.
Look at our transport systems and types. make a choice which one you prefer.
Look at the costs that comes up with all these we have created ourselves.
Look at how much we the human race have entangled our selves to live such a taxable costly life styles.
Look at how we eventually have denied our selves the very basic commodities which were prepared for us by our creator to discover these hidden treasures to live a meaningful lives.
I wondered what has caused man to get involved himself in such costly life.
When i compare humanity with other species - we want them to live like us, but they refused to be subjected to pay tax to the gracing fields nature has provided for them to live free. Let me stop here - the story goes a long long way. However when you go into the game you still find the carnivorous animal still having a free meal once or twice a week. Yet the herbivores do not nearby extinction. Nature balance itself in their survival.
Look at this - any animal that cannot run, will not get a meal for the day. missing breakfast and lunch, means a lot. death on the approach because she wont have any further strength to catch a kill to eat and survive.
Unlike the human race, ride and speed on the earth surface is a means to run fast to have a catch and kill our choice fatty once.
The faster we move on the earth surface has not been so easy as our psych and development has discovered methods which made our lives easier. That discovery is an idea of one person. To get more of the similar discovered items man has to purchase in exchange of other scarce material writhing the region. That brought out exchange costs and inflation.
If you want the same item I discovered - you have to go far to go and get me the material in exchanged of a completed product so that more can be produced.
    Today the development of man depended a lot on FUEL to enhance life on earth surface to be smoother. Yes an oil is an indispensable commodity for economic viability.
When you check on this site: syntekglobal.com man has discovered one of the genius product that reduces the cost of FUEL by 50% of standard cost. This product ID code: 2B7CB, you will need to purchase this fuel saver on the internet. Do not stop driving your car, enjoy the comfort and protection against all bad wearther conditions unlike getting your self cramped in the couriage or bus with ears plugged pretending not to hear the snoring person next to you in the early mornings hours of travelling to and from work. That is the consequences of our own faults to have created these hard conditions for our selves. With the above product the human race has indeed endeavoured to make life a bit cheaper and easier still to maintain own private life and comfort zone. Yes privacy and comfort. Like at the end of life respectable person is buried with dignity in his own grave in a comfortable coffin.
Note our brain is unlimited. All discoveries is meant to improve the quality of life. Your car might be old - get it rejuvenated and enjoy the acceleration and comfort. Log on the site and check what i am talking about.

more awareness for free to all the following on my blog.

Thursday 20 June 2013

I am back,

Hello to every one out there. I was away to The World in One Country - That is South Africa. To clarify the name SA, is NOT - AFRICA. Yes, it is one of the African State or Country. But it is not Africa ---it is South Africa. Put fingers to your PC and Google it. South Africa is smaller than Africa - at the bottom of Africa. Africa is that Huge Central Continent on the Map of the World.

The world in one country. Its geography is beautiful, the weather is gorgeous: Warm, Cold, Freeze and Hot. Be there and you will realise how happy are people in this country of Music , Culture and Sport. The population is estimated to 52m to 60m people. This is the country of manna and Honey to most indigenous people.

The country that was in the past ruled by apartheid laws - separated the peace loving people from their brotherhood. The Zebra animal existed and is still there in the game reserves. This animal existence is miraculous as when you look at it has two blended colours - Black and White Colours on their Fur which looks beautiful and stunning. One minister quoted it that South Africa is a Zebra Country where black and white people live together harmoniously. Otherwise this animal existence would be meaningless in the region. Google a zebra and see if you would not admire it.

This is the country of The Honourable Mr Holihlahla Nelson Mandela who led this country to democracy.

Sunday 5 May 2013


I have always wondered how the first person became to be rich. But since i received a call from a dear friend of mine who introduced me to this website of bannersbroker, i merely took a chance and yet today i praise myself for bavity. From what i initially deposited to purchase affordable package, today i am almost an advicer and referrer, however there is more new info at stake as the business develops globally. Yes globally. Website is absolutely Freee on visiting the site link.
Everybod has an opportunity to make life easier anywhere in the world of economy. We are all people governed by consumable supply and demand materialsm for survival.

You can take a full tour with Banners Broker!
Join them as they travel around the world - meeting friends and family, both old and new from the rural countryside to the downtown lively hostspots.

Between the various foods, music, and cultural gems  that surrounds us, eachplace they visit holds a special place in their hearts: a place they w'd like to share with others.

The most anticipated event in Canada's Calender is happening in July of 2013. The BB team will be in Niagara Falls, Ontario to clebrate the amazing growth of bannersbroker world wide.

More information on website at: www.bannersbroker.com/mdala  and follow the instructions following after a very short application form.

Sunday 28 April 2013

Life changing Internet business

Find the joy o owning your own business.
Experience the miraculous earnings literally for doing nothing - just for ownership username.
There is value, purpose and meaning to your life
Discover the truth about the Internet Business in your life and traveled the world to meet people who are like minded and of course rub shoulder with millionaires. You are on the way to be one.
Free from this link: www.bannersbroker.com/mdala

Good luck.